
in: author title

Bernhard Diensberg
The origin of aroint and other -oint-words in English
SEC 20 (2015), 63–69

Regarding the word form aroint, I am going to propose an etymological base for it in the group of French loanwords of the structure oin + consonant. As far as verbal loans are concerned, the root -oint can either stand for the 3rd pers. sing. pres. ind. or for the past participle of Old French verbs of the type poindre ‘to pierce, prick; to sting, bite’ (AND1: poindre), uindre, oindre ‘to anoint; to rub, smear’ (AND1: oindre). Apart from a short bibliography, the Appendix contains a selection of illustrative material.


author = {Diensberg, Bernhard},
title = {The origin of \textit{aroint} and other \textit{-oint}-words in English},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {20},
year = {2015},
pages = {63–69}