
in: author title

Juha Janhunen
Etymological and ethnohistorical aspects of the Yenisei
SEC 17 (2012), 67–87

pdf of volume 17

The paper discusses the background of the different terms used for the river Yenisei in the aboriginal language families of the region: Mongolic, Turkic, Yeniseic, Uralic, and Tungusic. The etymological material allows, in particular, important conclusions to be drawn of the areal interrelationships and chronologies of expansion of the Samoyedic branch of Uralic and the Ewenic branch of Tungusic. The presence of Uralic speakers on the Yenisei predates that of Tungusic speakers by a minimum of two millennia. Both Yeniseic and Turkic also reached the Yenisei earlier than Tungusic.


author = {Janhunen, Juha},
title = {Etymological and ethnohistorical aspects of the Yenisei},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {17},
year = {2012},
pages = {67–87}