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Michael Knüppel
Seit Lichtenstein nichts Neues? – oder: zur Idee einer Urverwandtschaft des Arabischen mit dem Deutschen
SEC 17 (2012), 179–183

pdf of volume 17

Nothing new since Lichtenstein? – Or, the idea of a common origin of Arabic and German

The following review article deals with the dilettantish attempts of ʿAbd-al-Ḥaqq Fāḍil to connect German and Arabic in the sense of genetic language relationship. The author of the book under review is neither able to to clarify whether he means “German” or “Germanic”, nor whether he wants to postulate Arabic as a kind of world-proto-language or to create a new language family. In addition, he ignores all well-known Lautgesetze (sound laws) as well as all researches in the field of historical linguistics of the last two hundred years.


author = {Knüppel, Michael},
title = {Seit Lichtenstein nichts Neues? – oder: zur Idee einer Urverwandtschaft des Arabischen mit dem Deutschen},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {17},
year = {2012},
pages = {179–183}