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Michael Knüppel
Jukagirisch-tungusische Lehnbeziehungen
SEC 19 (2014), 89–93

Yukaghir-Tungusic loanword relations

The following article deals with the Tungus-Yukaghir lexical relations. For this the Tungus materials from S.M. Širokogorov’s “Tungus Dictionary” (TD), which are possibly borrowed from Yukaghir languages and traced back to Yukaghir forms in G. Doerfer’s “Etymologisch-ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte vornehmlich der Mandschurei” (EEW), which is based on the TD, are discussed.


author = {Knüppel, Michael},
title = {Jukagirisch-tungusische Lehnbeziehungen},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {19},
year = {2014},
pages = {89–93}