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Michael Knüppel
Stellungnahme zu V. Blažeks Besprechung eines Beitrags zum “Makro-Altaischen”
SEC 18 (2013), 161–166

pdf of volume 18

Comment on V. Blažek’s review of a monograph dealing with “Macro-Altaic”

The author presents a discussion with V. Blažek’s (2006-2007) review of a monograph by M. I. Robbeets (2003).


author = {Knüppel, Michael},
title = {Stellungnahme zu V. Blažeks Besprechung eines Beitrags zum “Makro-Altaischen”},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {18},
year = {2013},
pages = {161–166}