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Marek Stachowski
Ein neues Wörterbuch der türkischen Lehnwörter in Balkan- und Karpatensprachen und ukrainisch bánuš ‘Maisbrei’
SEC 17 (2012), 191–197

pdf of volume 17

A new dictionary of Turkic loanwords in the Balkan and Carpathian languages and Ukrainian banuš ‘a sort of mamaliga’

Some methodological problems of a new dictionary project are discussed here. It is also argued against the suggestion that the Ukrainian word banuš ‘a sort of mamaliga’ is a derivative of Turkish bal ‘honey’.


author = {Stachowski, Marek},
title = {Ein neues Wörterbuch der türkischen Lehnwörter in Balkan- und Karpatensprachen und ukrainisch \textit{bánuš} ‘Maisbrei’},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {17},
year = {2012},
pages = {191–197}