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Miguel Villanueva Svensson
Gk. λέπω, Lith. lùpti, Ru. lupít’ ‘to peel’
SEC 19 (2014), 179–187

The Balto-Slavic root *leup- ‘to peel’ (Lith. lùpti, lùpa, Sl. *lupi̋ti) can be derived from the root *lep- ‘id.’ (Gk. λέπω) by assuming an original paradigm pres. *lep‐e/o‐ : aor.-inf. *l̥p-. The aorist-infinitive stem developed as follows: *l̥p- > *ulp‐ → *lup‐ (after pres. *lep‐) → new full grade *leup‐.


author = {Villanueva Svensson, Miguel},
title = {Gk. \textit{λέπω}, Lith. \textit{lùpti}, Ru. \textit{lupít’} ‘to peel’},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {19},
year = {2014},
pages = {179–187}