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Calling to Order
Poems to Theologians
Caffe Greco
And Yet the Books
My Grandfather...


At a certain distance I follow behind you, ashamed to come closer. 
Though you have chosen me as a worker in your vineyard and I pressed the grapes of your wrath.
To every one according to his nature: what is crippled should not always be healed.
I do not even know whether one can be free, for I have toiled against my will.
Taken by the neck like a boy who kicks and bites
Till they sit him at the desk and order him to make letters,
I wanted to be like others but was given the bitterness of separation,
Believed I would be an equal among equals but woke up a stranger.
Looking at manners as if I arrived from a different time.
Guilty of apostasy from the communal rite.
There are so many who are good and just, those were rightly chosen
And wherever you walk the earth, they accompany you.
Perhaps it is true that I loved you secretly
But without strong hope to be close to you as they are.

Berkeley, 1980

Translated by Czeslaw Milosz and Robert Hass


©2000 Jan Rybicki
This page was last updated on 02/12/01 .