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The Krakow Scene

Maj Polkowski Koehler Swietlicki Broda Podsiadlo O'Hara Bronislaw Maj, born in 1953, is the author of seven volumes of poetry which have won him prestigious literary prizes, a reputation as one of the finest poets of his generation, and a place in many anthologies of contemporary poetry published both in Poland and abroad. He writes newspaper columns and has edited the literary quarterly Na Glos for many years. He lives in Krakow and teaches at the Jagiellonian University and the School of Creative Writing.
Jan Polkowski (b. 1953) studied Polish literature in his home city of Krakow and became an active member of anti-communist opposition as early as in 1977 and published his first poems underground a year later. Interned during the martial law, he continued his underground publishing business until it went legal - and expanded - in 1989. Associated with conservative newspapers, he remains a powerful figure of his generation's poetry.
Krzysztof Koehler was born in 1963. He is associated with the new wave' of 'Barbarian' poets who publish in the Kraków-based quarterly bruLion. He was also part of the Barbarian movement - some of these poems also appeared in Przyszli barbarzyncy, and in the Kraków quarterly Na Glos.
Marcin Swietlicki, born in Lublin in 1961, has lived in Cracow since 1980. He Studied Polish Literature at the Jagiellonian University and works for the prestigious Tygodnik Powszechny. He has won various prizes and awards for his poetry, including the 1996 Koscielski Prize. Associated with the 'new wave of 'Barbarian' poets who publish in the Kraków-based quarterly bruLion, he is also lead singer and songwriter for his rock band Swietliki.
Marzena Broda was born in Kraków in 1966 and began publishing in 1985. Associated with the of 'Barbarian' poets who publish in the Kraków-based quarterly bruLion, Broda published her volume Swiatlo przestrzeni (The Light of Space) in Kraków in 1990 for which she was awarded the Kazimiera Illakowiczówna Prize. Some of these poems also appeared in the Barbarians' manifesto, Przyszli barbarzyncy.
Jacek Podsiadlo, born in Szewna near Ostrow Swietokrzyski in 1964, has worked in steel mills and on construction sites, and until recently had his own program on Polish Radio Opole. In the 1980s, he cooperated with the pacifist and ecological Freedom and Peace movement. He has been associated with bruLion since 1991 and has won many prizes and literary competitions, including the Georg Trakl award in 1994 and Koscielski Prize in 1998.
How does American poet Frank O'Hara (1929-1966) come into this story? Click here to see how two poets, friends and fellow barbarians quarrel - about, in fact, the very essence of the poetry of their generation and of poetry in general.


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©2000 Jan Rybicki
This page was last updated on 03/17/01 .