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Priest Poets

Twardowski Wojtyla Jan Twardowski (b. 1915) published his first volume of poetry in 1936, but real recpgnition came to him one war (he was a resistance fighter), one priest vocation and more than two decades later. His poetry makes sacred the secular and ordinary; his work is marked by a sense of humor and a conscious simplicity within his masterful craftsmanship, a simple expression of tongue-in-cheek theological ruminations and tenderness and love towards an imperfect Creation. "If St. Francis were a contemporary poet, he would write the way that Jan Twardowski writes," observes the poet Anna Kamienska.
Karol Wojtyla (b. 1920), actor, scholar, quarry worker, poet, priest, playwright, pope, is the author of many poems (usually signed with either of his pen names, Andrzej Jawien or Stanislaw Andrzej Gruda), six highly complex plays, numerous essays, and several works of philosophy.


©2000 Jan Rybicki
This page was last updated on 03/07/01 .