Prose in translation

MA Course

Class Schedule

  1. Introduction: explaining the rules, choosing texts
  2. The author: Student presentations (evaluated in class)
  3. My author in Polish: Student presentations (evaluated in class)
  4. The text: first impressions, problems, ideas. Student presentations (evaluated in class)
  5. The text: first impressions, problems, ideas. Student presentations (evaluated in class)
  6. The first draft: Reading in class (one selected fragment). Entire text due for evaluation by editor
  7. The editors: Peer criticism (evaluated in class)
  8. The second draft: Reading in class (1 page)
  9. The editors: Peer criticism (evaluated in class)
  10. The final draft. Reading in class (one selected fragment). Entire text due for evaluation by instructor
  11. The final draft Reading in class (one selected fragment)
  12. Discussion by instructor
  13. Discussion by instructor
  14. What have we learned?
  15. Reserve session